Update in Progress
June 1, 2008: Ihave removed all the dead links here and updated the ones that were easy to track down.
When that's done for all the pages, I'll add the many new links that people have sent me.
No endorsement is implied by inclusion on this list.
- WarmFuzzy Ferret Rescue - velcro ferret harnesses & leashes in 12 colors (email)
- Ferret Warez - beds, tubes, sacks, toys
- Ferret Wise Funalia - mugs, tents, cage supplies, etc.
- Weaselpal - hammocks and sleep sacks
- For Ferrets Only - cages, accessories, toys, bedding, shirts, stationery
- Cheweasel - a chewy toy for ferrets
- Ferret Haven Cages - nice, big cages and accessories
- CD&E Enterprises - standard and custom cages
- Pet Castle - plastic "Critter Castles"
- Different Strokes - ferret hats and clothing (email)
- Emilie Wilson - hammocks and sleeping pockets (email)
- Cloud Dusters - flags and banners, beds, and a "puff" ball (email)
- Companion's Choice - food, coat treatment, etc.; in Liverpool, UK
- HQ Ferret, imports/exports ferrets & supplies to Japan
- Ferret City - Nederlands / The Netherlands
- American Ferret Association - jewelry, shirts, checks, brochures, posters
- Muna's Treasures - onyx cameo jewelry, figurines, collectibles
- The Stationary Ferret - cards and stationary
- Rubber Hedgehog - rubber stamps
- The New Rainbow Bridge - Rainbow Bridge print and sympathy cards, cages, fun tubes
- Ferret Trading Post - T-shirts, mugs, books, posters, etc.
- Ferret Reflections - T-shirts, jewelry, mouse pads, etc.
- L. S. Irish - limited edition prints, personalized pet portraits, etc.
- Nancy Chien-Eriksen - prints, originals, shirts
- Pet Prints - calendars, greeting cards, wrapping paper, etc.
- Grinning Baer Designs - clothing, totes, mugs, mousepads
- Liz Roseland - wholesale mats, etc. (email)
- Ferrets UK - paperweights, signs, doormats, greeting cards, etc. (UK)
Also see the STAR*Ferrets database
The locations of these breeders are listed, when known. Some of them
may also ship ferrets elsewhere in the US or around the world; email
them to ask.
Smaller breeders
Wholesalers, distributors & pet stores
If you sell ferret-related products, I'd be glad to link to your Web page or email address
if you drop me a note at <pamg at alumni.rice.edu> asking to be added to this list.
If you're outside the US, please mention where you're located.

Copyright © 1994-1998, 2000-2002, 2008 by
Pamela Greene <pamg at alumni.rice.edu>.
Last modified: 1 June 2008. Comments and suggestions welcome!